The campaign’s purpose is to raise awareness, foster engagement and enhance inclusivity in our community
Many people find interacting with a person with a disability intimidating out of fear they will sound patronizing or say the wrong thing. This is confirmed by research done in 2014 by the British organization, Scope. They found 66% of the public feel this way.
Additionally, a 2015 Harris poll conducted for Special Olympics and Shriver Media finds that while attitudes about people with developmental disabilities are evolving, opinions remain tied to the level of personal connection people have with these individuals. Our organization sees this every day. People avoid interacting with people with disabilities because they are afraid they may say something that is politically incorrect or don't know what to say so they don’t say anything at all. However, as the Harris poll finds, greater personal interactions lead to greater attitudes about persons with disabilities. This is further supported by the World Report on Disability which says, “Raising awareness and challenging negative attitudes are often first steps towards creating more accessible environments for persons with disabilities.” This research supports the need for No Limits’ number one priority: awareness.
To achieve greater understanding and inclusion in our community, No Limits – Ability Awareness Campaign was launched in 2016. It has evolved to feature a month-long marketing campaign.
No Limits is brought to you by Aspiro.
Live Your Way. At Asprio our clients do just that. Asprio’s services are mindfully designed to position individuals of all abilities for success. The success they envision for themselves; for their lives. Because, at Asprio, our clients choose to live their lives their way.